Bus Handbook

Bus Handbook

Oil City Area School District

 Student Regulations for School Based Transportation

The transportation supervisor is responsible for establishing bus runs and assigning students to a particular bus.  Students are to get on and off the bus at their assigned stop.  Students should be riding the transportation they are assigned to only.  Students riding transportation other than their own will be written up.  Refer to the discipline procedures outlined on the reverse.


Students assigned to bus transportation will be assigned for 5 days a week.  Students are not permitted to ride home with friends or go anyplace else after school except for the stop they are assigned to.  A student getting off the bus at any stop other than his own is in violation of school policy.


Students should be at the bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to the arrival of the bus.  When a school bus does not arrive at the bus stop on time because of mechanical failure or weather conditions, students are expected to wait a reasonable time depending on weather conditions (reasonable time would be a least 30 minutes).  After that time, the student should then return home and contact the school to determine the reason for the delay.


There are certain rules that are designed for the discipline and safety of those riding the school bus.  It is the student’s responsibility to obey the rules established and approved by the school board.


  1. A.        Bus Stop Rules:
  2. 1.         Arrive at the assigned stop ten (10) minutes before bus pickup.
  3. 2.         Wait for your bus in a safe place well off the roadway.  Bus riders must conduct themselves in a safe manner while waiting (No foolishness or horseplay).
  4. 3.         Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before trying to get on the bus.  Enter the bus single file—no crowding or pushing.
  5. 4.         Respect the property rights of people who reside at or near the stop.  If respect of property is not observed, a bus stop will be moved to a different location out of courtesy for the property owner.
  6. 5.         Be careful if you cross the roadway to catch the bus—check to make sure all traffic is stopped.
  7. Bus Riding Regulations:
  8. 1.         Obey the bus driver and observe the same conduct as in the classroom.
  9. Use of profane language, eating, drinking, smoking, throwing objects, unsafe objects, weapons and vandalism will result in disciplinary action by your school principal.
  10. 3.         Keep the bus clean.
  11. 4.         All students shall remain in their seats at all times while on the bus.
  12. 5.         Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus.  Windows are to be opened only when the driver permits.
  13. 6.         Students are not to be destructive—any deliberate damage caused by a student will be paid for “By the Offender.”
  14. 7.         Students shall be courteous to their fellow students.
  15. 8.         Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats.
  16. 9.         Students in possession of any type of explosive devices or weapons will be suspended from riding the bus immediately.
  17. 10.       Students will be subject to all disciplinary rules and regulations.
  18. 11.       Cameras and Video Recorders will be in use on each school bus.


  1. 12.       All students with disabilities will be subject to due process procedures provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  2. Bus Unloading Procedures:
  3. 1.         Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  4. 2.         Leave the bus in an orderly manner.
  5. 3.         Leave at your assigned bus stop.
  6. Cross in front of the bus.
  7. 5.         Students walking alongside the bus should stay away from the bus as far as possible if sidewalks are not available.
  8. Extra-Curricular Activities
  9. 1.         The above regulations apply to any trips under school sponsorship.
  10. 2.         Students should respect the chaperones assigned to the trip.
  11.        Emergency Procedures
  12. 1.         Evacuation drills are scheduled so that students on the bus know exactly what to do in case of an emergency.
  13. 2.         The driver or the assigned helpers must have the cooperation of the students and they must remain quiet during the drills or emergencies so that they can hear directions.
  14. 3.         Students are not to leave the bus unless instructed to do so by the bus driver for emergencies.


Discipline Procedures:


Students who become serious discipline problems on the bus may have their riding privileges suspended by the building principal.  The parent of a suspended child is responsible for seeing that their child gets to and from school safely.


The following procedure will be used – – the driver will report the incident to the principal on the “School Bus Incident Report.”


1st Offense – Written Warning

2nd Offense- 3 day suspension of riding privileges

3rd Offense –             5 day suspension of riding privileges

4th Offense – 10 day suspension of riding privileges

5th Offense – Possible suspension for remainder of school year

  • Depending on the severity of each incident, the School District will determine the final discipline rendered.


Riding a bus is a privilege!  Obey the rules and regulations and help us keep transportation safe!


Oil City Area School District and Cranberry Bus Company


Revised August 2010